With more of us working from home than ever before, it’s getting all too easy to spend consecutive hours chained to our desks without taking breaks to get up and move our bodies.
Breaking up your desk day brings a lot of benefits for your body and your mind:
- Keeps your metabolism ticking
- Boosts your productivity and helps remove brain fog
- Increases your energy
- Promotes blood flow and improves circulation
That said, we know it’s easy to get stuck into what you’re doing and then suddenly, the hours have just flown by!

So, here are some tips that you can incorporate in to your everyday to make sure that you’re breaking up your day with a bit of healthy movement.
- Set yourself 4 stretch breaks throughout your day – you can set your own short routine, using 3-4 stretches per break and holding them for 20 seconds each. Or you can even do one of Zoe’s guided Yoga routines.
- Take an active lunch break – maybe you’re taking the dog for a 20-minute walk, going outside for a run around with the kids, maybe you’re doing a 28 workout!
- Set yourself a movement goal for the day – maybe you want to do 60 push ups throughout the day, or 100 squats between 9am and 5pm. Break these up into manageable blocks, and take note as you go.
- Get up and have a dance! You’re at home, no one will know! And you’ll be amazed at how productive you are once those endorphins kick in.
Give these little strategies a go and you’ll see how much fresher your mind feels and how much better your body feels for it. Need a 20-minute workout for your break? Sign up to 28 today and you’ll be able to choose from lunch time HIIT, yoga, Pilates and Strength!