Staying healthy over Christmas and the festive season in general. It always feels like it’s one of those easier-said-than-done concepts, right? What’s important to remember here is our tried and tested principal of small steps. Those small things we do every day make all the difference to our health and fitness. So here are my top three tips for finding balance amongst the wonderful, social madness that is this time of year.

You’ll be planning your Christmas parties, your work break ups, your family traditions, your shopping, your holidays. Simply add your healthy habits to the lists. If you plan time and space for them, you’re more likely to do them! Packing everything for a trip with the family? Make sure water bottles are on the list. Planning what time you’ll leave for grandma’s tomorrow? Set your alarm clock half an hour earlier to get a workout in. Shopping for the family Christmas celebrations? Check out your 28 app and make sure you have everything you need for a healthy breakfast first thing, each day.
December is all about joy, having fun with the people you care about and celebrating. So, it’s understandable that working out and meal prep can feel like a bit of a chore amongst all the fun times! If that’s the case, and you’re struggling without your regular routine, focus on picking workouts you know you love. You might not be sticking to your regular weekly workout plan, but the fact is you’re still getting your daily movement in – go you!
Over these few weeks families generally have a bit of time off together. And sometimes it is inevitable that you feel a bit guilty taking time for yourself to workout. First of all – please don’t. But second of all – I get it! My advice is to organise family activities that are physical activities. Maybe there’s a hike nearby that you can all do together. Try a family walk first thing in the morning to wake up together. Have a daily hour of kicking the footy, or go for a bike ride. That way you’re getting quality time in, and you’re all getting in some wonderful fun healthy movement.