We all know that December brings Christmas parties, family gatherings, barbecues and other social events to fill our calendars. It’s a wonderful time for having fun and catching up with friends, but unfortunately, it’s usually not a great time for that number on the scales.
How much weight does the average Australian gain over Christmas? 2kgs.
While you might think you’ll lose those festive kilos as soon as the silly season is over, the majority of people never lose their Christmas weight and, even for those of us who do manage to drop the weight again, it can be a slow, frustrating journey back.
The good news is that staying healthy over Christmas is no easy feat, but it is possible. Read on to find out how you can keep your weight down this Christmas, still enjoy the holiday season so you can start the new year feeling great!
How to avoid Christmas weight gain (and ‘survive’ the silly season!)
VIDEO: Quick tips from Sam & Shahna for staying healthy this Christmas

How to get your mind right (so your body will follow)
1. Understand that “breaking even” on your weight during Christmas… is a big win!
Let’s face it, Christmas is a time when most people gain a few kilos so, if you can maintain your weight and exercise routine during this time, give yourself a big pat on the back! Seriously, this is a big win in anyone’s book. If you implement some of my healthy tips, you’ll be able to achieve this goal, and still enjoy the festive fun.
2. Set realistic goals over Christmas
The festive season might not be the best time to aim for your best weight loss result of the year, and if you set goals that are too harsh, you might be tempted to cheat, so set realistic health goals. Instead of weight loss, perhaps your goals for December could be to achieve a minimum number of workouts each week, or maybe you’ll decide to set (and follow!) a maximum number of drinks you’ll have at the next Christmas party.
3. Have realistic expectations, but don’t write off the whole festive season!
December might not be the best time for weight loss but don’t assume it will be a write-off because it doesn’t have to be!
I believe the best approach to losing your Christmas weight is… not to gain weight in December. Believe me, it IS possible to get through the holidays without gaining weight and the best part is: you don’t even have to skip the Christmas pudding!
4. Accept that not every occasion is a ‘special occasion’ that requires a ‘special indulgence‘
I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Friday is not a special occasion. Neither is Saturday. And just because it’s a day in December, does NOT make every day Christmas! We all like to treat ourselves on special occasions but considering December is typically chock-full of events it might be time to add a measure of restraint and decide, ahead of time, when and where you’re going to indulge and when you’re going to stay strong, and keep the festive treats to a minimum.

How long does it take to lose your Christmas weight?
A study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that Christmas weight gain could hang around for up to 6 months. Which means if you don’t keep things in check over December, all that merry cheer could still be around your waistline until June!
Learn how to reduce the urge to overeat this festive season
If you want to avoid weight gain over Christmas, you can. And although I’m going to give you a range of ideas to help maintain a healthy weight this holiday season, I guarantee you that I’m not going to be the fun police. I won’t tell you to skip the Christmas cake, but I will suggest ways to make it healthier! The good news is that there are so many ways you can keep your weight down over Christmas, and you can do it without missing out on all the great things that Christmas brings.
1. Stay hydrated
Did you know our brains often mistake thirst for hunger? If you think you’re hungry, you’re more likely to reach for all the extra treats on offer at this time of year. And, ensuring you drink at least 2L of water per day will not only help you avoid eating for thirst, but it will also help your body flush out any extra toxins from all that festive fun!
If you are heading out for some Christmas drinks, start the evening with a glass of water and have an additional glass of water between each alcoholic beverage.
2. Get enough sleep during the silly season
Burning the candles at both ends makes it harder to stay hydrated, harder to want to exercise, and it also makes it harder to eat real, nutritious food. When you’re tired, high-calorie junk food starts to look a LOT more appealing than normal, because you’re subconsciously be looking for external energy to make it through the day. Getting adequate sleep helps to maintain your overall health and wellbeing as well as your ability to handle stress… and reduces temptations to eat sugary foods and Christmas cocktails!
3. Practice mindful eating (and drinking!)
It’s so easy to get caught up in the bottomless drinks and canape platters as far as the eye can see, but if you are mindful of what you’re eating and drinking, and practice, everything in moderation, you’re less likely to go overboard when it comes to indulging
4. Don’t stop moving
You may be a little bit out of rhythm with your normal fitness routine this time of year, but keeping up your regular exercise helps maintain your metabolism, and it’s a good way to keeping ‘health’ top of mind too. Why not make an appointment with yourself, and schedule your workout in your diary. Or, try something different and find new ways to get some exercise outdoors in the beautiful sunshine (assuming you’re in Australia!). Whether it’s a swim in the ocean, going for a surf, kicking a footy or playing backyard cricket with the kids, the options are endless in a beautiful country like ours.
If you find you’re losing your healthy routines this holiday season, use that as a great excuse to do something NEW, and get your daily 28 in a different, fun way!
How much weight does the average Australian gain over Christmas?
2kgs. While you might think you’ll lose those festive kilos as soon as Christmas is over, the majority of people never lose their Christmas weight and, even for those of us who do, it can be a slow, frustrating journey back to our original weight. The good news is that maintaining your weight at Christmas might not be easy but it is possible and, if you follow my advice, you can avoid the typical seasonal weight gain amd still enjoy the festivities, without feeling like you’re missing out.
Make it easier to eat healthy at your next Christmas event

If you’re watching your weight, have a quick protein-rich snack or meal just before you head out to your Christmas party – it’ll help you stay fuller for longer and resist all those tasty temptations!
- Don’t arrive to an event hungry
My best tip to eating healthy at any festive party is to never arrive starving. If you’re not ravenous on arrival, you’re less likely to dive headfirst into the cheese platter and you’ll be less likely to be tempted by the desserts passing you by. That’s not to say you shouldn’t enjoy yourself, the key to keeping the weight off without feeling deprived is: everything in moderation.
2. Pick your Christmas ‘poison‘
Champagne, mince pies, Christmas ham, Christmas pud, everything is so delicious. So many of us operate with an ‘all or nothing’ mentality around Christmas time, but bingeing can do our weight loss and health goals the most harm. How I personally manage this is to pick one thing that I know I will really savour and then I’ll choose to sacrifice something else in exchange. It’s all about finding a good balance.
Yes, you can have your Christmas cake and eat it too, but maybe save that leftover ham for another day.
Need some ideas for some healthy high protein snacks?
Make these tasty peanut butter protein bites earlier in the week, so you have them to hand before your next Christmas party
3. Spread the love/calories.
If you’re really struggling with your motivation to avoid the sweet treats, why not get a mate involved? Share your desserts and aim to have only a few spoonfuls each. It’s easier to stay strong and healthy when someone else has got your back!
4. BYO backup meal
I know that sometimes the meals you are served at Christmas events are completely out of your control. Where possible, why not bring a healthy meal with you so you know that you will always have a healthy meal option? MY BBQ Corn and Haloumi salad is a 28er favourite and travels well, so I know you’ll love it too!
Follow these tips to avoid Christmas holiday weight gain
When it comes to avoiding weight gain on holiday, it’s all about finding a healthy balance.
- Be mindful of what you’re eating
I want you to enjoy your holiday, but if it’s important to you that you don’t gain weight over your Christmas break, then you remember: what goes in must be burned off or those holiday treats will be stored as fat. Try to avoid mindless snacking, and always have something healthy to hand for when you’re feeling peckish.
2. Pick your Christmas holiday ‘treat’ meals wisely
Just like I advised with your Christmas events, you can limit the amount of calories you consume (without feeling deprived) by picking one thing that you know you will really savour, but then choosing to sacrifice something else in exchange. It’s simply about finding the right balance.
3. Move, every day
If you get a 28 minute HIIT workout done in the morning you can relax and enjoy the rest of your day… guilt-free!
Be proactive and schedule a daily exercise activity into your December and January holidays. And if you’re really pressed for time, try my quick 100 rep challenge below!

VIDEO: Try this fast, fat-burning holiday workout with Sam!
This is my favourite little fat burner routine when I’m short on time (or if I am on holiday). I love it because it really works up a sweat and burns off some of those Christmas calories, and it only takes 10 minutes! Give this 100 Rep Christmas Challenge a go, and trust me you’ll be feeling the burn.
You don’t have to skip the Christmas dessert – try these healthy recipe swaps
Follow my healthy Christmas eating & exercise guide
Download your FREE silly season survival guide now!

Here’s what you’ll find inside the guide:
- A range of delicious & nutritious festive recipes to enjoy over the holiday period
- Fast and effective fat-burning HIIT workouts you can do quickly, from the comfort of your own home (or holiday home!)
- Motivation & mindset tips to help you survive the silly season… without the usual weight gain!
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